My name is Lorena. I came into this world on a warm summer afternoon, on January 3, 1994, in Lima, Peru.At the age of 5, my parents decided to divorce, and a year later, my father moved to the United States. For me, that meant a wave of anguish, fear, and a profound sense of loneliness.

During my childhood and adolescence, I attended a French Catholic school known for its strict education. From this period of my life, I cherish the values instilled in me, such as prudence, audacity, and determination, but above all, integrity.

Upon turning 16, I faced a crucial crossroads in my journey: the choice of a university major. I opted for International Relations, drawn to the idea of diplomacy, conflict, mediation, and representing my country in international summits. It seemed like a captivating and thrilling challenge.

During my university studies, I strove to excel and become the best in my class, and with dedication, I achieved it. Attaining the recognition of First Place, with an emphasis on social responsibility.

Not long after completing my university studies, another significant shift unfolded in my life; I relocated to Switzerland. Here, amidst the picturesque landscapes, I found the space to grow, to rediscover myself, and to confront challenges that had long eluded me back in Peru. Learning German, adapting to the culture and traditions—none of it came easy, yet every struggle enriched me profoundly on a personal level.

In Switzerland, I found the time to reconnect with myself. Art overflowed within me; I explored photography, drawing, painting, videography, interior and fashion design, as well as delving into realms of personal growth and psychology.



Photography has been a constant companion since my childhood. I used to love being photographed and would always ask my mom for the camera to capture what I found interesting. Nowadays, I am fascinated by animals, plants, architectural structures, and sunsets.

I consider commitment and responsibility as two inherent pillars within me. Nowadays, the added value lies in doing things at my own pace, while striving to practice patience and understanding with myself.

This award serves as a reminder of my dedication and perseverance, highlighting the values of commitment and responsibility that are intrinsic to who I am. It symbolizes the culmination of my efforts and the satisfaction of achieving a meaningful objective.


Textil Design

Sewing has also been a constant presence in my life. My grandmother used to frequent a seamstress, where she could request exactly what she wanted after buying beautiful fabrics and designing them in her mind. I followed suit during my adolescence; skirts and dresses were usually what I commissioned.

In Switzerland, I took a sewing course with a very patient teacher who taught me the basics to start sewing. In the photos below, I showcase two projects: a satin camisole pajama with lace trimmings and a Baguette Bag made from recycled denim that I designed. I added a colorful lining and beautiful fabric flowers with pearls.


Receiving jewelry for a special occasion is common in Peru. Having a trusted jeweler, I've been able to bring my designs to life, with her crafting them into tangible pieces. Additionally, I possess the tools to undertake small projects such as necklaces, bracelets, and earrings made from beads and vibrant colors.

Things I love…


One of my greatest sources of pride is having created a YouTube channel where I showcased my life here in Switzerland. I played around with shots, angles, effects, transitions, and different perspectives. I was excited to find the perfect musical track for each set of videos. I built a small community that followed my videos every Sunday.
I took a creative break to focus on myself, but I don't rule out picking it up again. Here are some shots from a few videos I made.

My roots

In 2023, my life underwent significant changes, and one thing I cherish from that time is the habit of daily writing, known as journaling. Each morning, I start the day with a cup of coffee and jot down my goals and aspirations.

I consider myself a deeply reflective woman. I strive to understand my family history and its dynamics, but what I'm most focused on is how I want to continue writing my own story.

I seek to appreciate and honor my grandparents, my mother, and my father. I aim to recognize all their virtues and identify some of them within myself, without forgetting those that are intrinsic to me.

My father, Gustavo, is an industrial engineer who has lived in Miami since 2000. He is a good-natured, eloquent, and dreamy man, deeply attached to his family and a gardening enthusiast. He instilled in me a love for romantic music, possesses a great sense of humor, is sensitive, honest, and I can talk to him for hours about any topic.

My mother, Cecilia, is considered by me as an artist who has worked in the healthcare field since a young age. She grew up very independent. Extremely organized and methodical, she is detail-oriented. From her, I learned to appreciate art; I always saw her making candles, chocolates, jewelry, painting, and sewing. She believes in me and always supports me in whatever endeavors I choose to pursue.

My maternal grandparents, Betty and Carlos

My paternal grandparents, Laura and Nato

Mom & Dad




There are three cities that hold a special place in my heart.

Lima, the coastal and humid capital where I grew up, taught me to love the sea and the singing of birds at dawn. Its resilient and innovative people inspire me. Lima means home, hospitality, and warmth to me.

Miami, my second home, my oasis, where my energy recharges. Surrounded by skyscrapers, palm trees, and turquoise seas, it's a melting pot of diverse cultures, Latin vibes, and music. It fills me with joy.

And lastly, Lucerne, the city that adopted me and helped me mature, teaching me new values like punctuality, order, and recycling. With well-defined seasons, traditions I now partake in, and a respectful and orderly society. I've grown accustomed to the sound of bells and enjoy taking walks amid the beautiful landscapes of lakes and mountains.

This is me

Now, I am a woman who is forging her own path, with freedom and awareness, who wants to express herself because it's her sanctuary. Contributing to society and on a quest to find her purpose in this life.
A woman who dances with confidence because she knows that is her essence.

This is me, a woman who will never forget her inner child. The girl who loves to paint her room over and over again to express her feelings, who enjoys rearranging all the furniture and accessories, and plays as if she's hosting a home design show.

The one who takes photos and dances secretly with her discman because she's shy. The one who sews sequins onto her blouses to give them a new look. And who asks her mom to buy her books, to have something to do during breaks after swimming lessons.